PinnedMuhammad RidloTentang Mimpi.Seperti biasa, aku yang kadang overthinking tiap malem mikirin hal-hal nggak penting dalam hidup, pada satu saat, tiba-tiba kepikiran…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
Muhammad RidloPeople, Me, and a Red Light.I read a book named “The Tipping Point” which written by renowned author, Malcolm Gladwell. The book was specifically telling about how…Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022
Muhammad RidloGod never actually leaves you, even when you think He does.That night, I randomly opened up my diary book to surf through some memories that written on that book. Flipping through some pages, I…Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022
Muhammad RidloI expected too much from people. And it disappoint me every single time.This was just my typical writing. The idea came randomly. Today’s idea came from my weekday night class. This class was a new experience…Feb 18, 2022Feb 18, 2022
Muhammad RidloTaking Step BackI realized one thing during my class. “Oh damn, the materials are too advanced for students on that grade, that’s why they ignored me for…Feb 12, 20221Feb 12, 20221
Muhammad RidloMemilih Jalan Kita SendiriKita semua terlahir untuk memilih jalan kita masing-masing.Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
Muhammad RidloinHIMIT PENSVirTour : Short (and Boring) UX Fake Case Study.This is the result of one of my thought applied to design which featured on designrant (which I’m proud of, but still indeed sucks :D), I…Nov 7, 2021Nov 7, 2021
Muhammad Ridlo“Menjadi diri sendiri”, bentuk perawatan diri atau hanya sekadar egoisme pribadi ?Oke, jadi belakangan ini, aku sering melihat kata — kata ini,Jan 4, 20211Jan 4, 20211